Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why do men hate women?

Have you ever known a man that made you shame? When it comes to women, men are clueless. Women have the tendency to drive men nuts at times. Whether they mean to or not, it happens. I have come up with a list of things that women do that drive men crazy. Do you want to know what to avoid doing to make your man happy? Listen up and take care these.
First of all, men hate it when you don't stick to agreements. Women tend to make agreements to get their way at the time and then change their minds later or break the agreement. Many women don't think it bothers men when you break that agreement to go with them to the tool store but it does. It's just like that old saying, "don't do on to others that you wouldn't want done to you". You'd probably be mad if your man broke an agreement with you, so think about him before switching it up next time.
Next, men hate it when women keep their feelings in. Although women are more honest about their feelings, they don't usually spill what's on their minds until they are asked "what's wrong" repeatedly. Women tend to hold in their feelings and want that attention from their men to go and see what's wrong before coming out with it. Try to be more out there with your feelings with your man. He'll understand and love you more for it.

Men absolutely hate it when you try to change them. Most women understand their man but don't agree with the things they do or the way they are. They try to change their men to suit their own needs instead of their man's. Although it's okay to talk with your man about how you don't like something in the relations

Remember this,  never compare your man to your ex. Generally without really meaning to, you will compare your man to your ex in terms of negative aspects. You (even all of us) should never compare your man to anyone, especially your ex. First of all, men don't like even talking about any man that was with you in the first place. Try to avoid speaking about any ex's at all in your conversations.
Don't belittle his hobbies. Your man may have a hobby that you find to be boring or childish. Remember, you have to take the good with the bad. Let him have his hobbies. If he enjoys doing it, who cares? Don't demand them to take an interest in your hobby. Everyone likes to do different things. You go do your and let him do his.
Don't gossip about your man. Gossip is always bad. You may think that when you're out with the girls and you're talking badly about your man, he'll never find out. Well, this may be the case but you should have more respect for him then that to maintain a healthy relationship. You wouldn't want him talking behind your back with his friends, don't do it to him.
Nagging is a big one for guys. Men hate it when their women is constantly nagging them to get things done. Whether your intentions are good or bad, give your man a break. With some passion and understanding, you'll get future then you think.
Don’t  interrupt your man. You may think that what you have to say is more important, but give him his chance to speak. Try to keep an open mind, understand what he is saying, don't act impatient and respond to him. Interrupting when he is speaking will only cause more tension and make him think that you don't care what he has to say.
Keep it right to the point when it comes to your man. Most men don't like to talk about things for hours and hours like women do. They like to get right down to the bottom of something and then it's over. Don't get mad at your man if he doesn't want to talk about a particular situation. Just be glad that he cares enough to talk about it in the first place.
ip, it's not okay to tell th Don't be beauty conscious with your man. Most men don't understand how a women spends hours in front of a mirror and come out looking like they always do. Most men will love you on your good days, your bad days and days that you don't have your hair done and make up on your face. Don't get paranoid around him because of the way that you look. If your man didn't like the way you looked, he wouldn't be with you. Be yourself around him.
And the last and I think, the biggest thing that a man hates about a women is her insecure and jealous ways. If you're out and you see your man eyeing a women across the street, don't make a big deal about it. He's a man and all men do this. Leave your comments to yourself. You can't tell me that when you see a nice looking young man walking down the street, you don't keep your eye on him. Most men won't say anything or even notice when you do it. Give your man a break.

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