Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Attendance baby is the desire of each spouse couples. If your child did not come, each pair must be checked out, including the husband.
Some causes of infertility / infertility in men:
1. reduced number of sperm production
2. blockage in the system of sperm expenditure
3. formation of antibodies against sperm
4. testicular damage
5. prosuksi hormone disruption
6. enlargement of blood vessels in the testis
What to do?
1. sperm analysis.
2. urinalyze.
3. luteinizing hormone (LH). To stimulate testicular function and testosterone production.
4. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). To stimulate activity in the seminiferous tubullus like spermatogenis, ABP and Inhibin
5. prolactin. Examination lack of libido, impotence, or due to tumor
6. testosterone. so that the properties of the normal male sex, keep the prostate gland function
7. anti-sperm antibodies. It can be found in the blood and thus need to be checked carefully.


Cervix or cervical cancer is a malignant tumor on the tissue surface of the neck and cervix and is the no.1 killer and most common. Approximately 85% of deaths from this disease occur in developing countries. In addition to risk of death, at an advanced stage may make the patient uncomfortable, severe pain, coughing up blood, leg swelling, jaundice, urinary disorders and bowel movements. Although in early stages of this disease is known, the possibility of menstruation and have a child is gone.
Anatomically the vagina becomes shorter, sometimes an interruption in sexual relations.
The main cause of this disease is a viral infection of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) which was detected in 99.7% of patients with cervical cancer.
world, many women are not aware of this danger of cervical cancer. In the study 80% of women died from cervical cancer suffered has been entered at an advanced stage. So the prevention and treatment is too late.
Treatment itself can be done at home is:
1. live pap smears on a regular basis as soon as sexually active
2. Stay with one partner and do not have multiple sexual partners
3. Wait until old enough for sexual intercourse, it is recommended over 20 years.
4. Use protective contraceptives such as condoms and diaphragms
5. Do not spray your vagina five times or more in one month, because it increases the risk of cervical cancer 30 times.
6. Do not smoke for both partners. Cigarettes cause cervical cancer risk up to 3 times.
7. Poor nutrition can also cause cervical cancer. Vit A, C and beta-carotene and folic acid in adequate amounts, can protect themselves from cervical cancer.
Prevent early before it’s too late to be cancer
Cervical cancer takes place in several stages, starting from the period without symptoms, vaginal discharge, bleeding, pain that is often considered the norm. Then in the advanced stage the symptoms are clearly emerging from the changes in cancer cells, in the form of bleeding after sexual activity, or between the two periods.
Figures survival from cervical cancer is 5 years based on the stage:
a. zero-stage, benign and cancer cells are still on the surface of the cervix wall, survival rates can reach 100%.
b. single-stage, cancer is strongly attached to the walls of the cervix, the chances of recovering 80%
c. stage two, the cancer has spread to other places until the uterus, but not to the vagina, the chances of recovering 50-60%
d. stage three, the cancer has spread to the bottom of the vagina, the chances of recovering 20-30%
e. stage four, the cancer had reached other organs are much like the anus, kidney, lung, liver and bone. 0-5% chance of recovery.
Fortunately, cervical cancer is cancer that can be prevented if known to exist from an early age. Our own body can actually cope with about 70% of infections, but because there are many types of virus, making the body unable to cope alone.
What is important is to educate yourself to behave well, such as personal and environmental hygiene, eating healthy and nutritious foods, not smoking. Cleaning the vital organs every day on a regular basis and by using a sterile instrument. Changing underwear at least 2 times a day is also helpful health vital organs. And the last is early detection by health equipment such as pap smears and VIA (visual inspection with acetic acid application) to follow up the possibility of cervical cancer in the early days of symptoms. If exposed to this disease, vaccination is the best way next to this.

Harvard longevity pill

David Sinclair, Associate Professor of Harvard University have found a concoction of drugs that can prolong human life of 10 years.
The result of his invention works by activating the sirtuin genes that play a role in controlling the body’s aging process so that it can extend to 10 years of age. By increasing the sirtuin, memory and the immune system that is hindering the process of aging, and maximize the nutrients in the body.
These pills can also cope with arthritis that can cure Alzheimer’s, heart attacks and cataracts.

Use of yeasts in biotechnology

Yeasts belong to the kingdom Fungi of the five kingdom classification of living organisms. The other four are – animalia, plantae, protista and monera. If there were ever a prize for organisms that contributed most to the success today in biotechnology – I think budding yeast would be a top runner up. What is budding yeast ? The easiest way to learn is by thinking about the word – budding. This yeast produces its progeny by budding – this is a way of its asexual reproduction. The scientific name is Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
There are many varieties of budding yeast that are commonly used in the biotechnology in contrast to that used in academic research labs. Of course, the selection of biotech yeasts is mostly towards those which are good for brewing. Brewing is the production of alcoholic beverages by natural process of fermentation. The chief characteristics of the brewing yeasts can be summed up in six major points – they should have a minimal lag phase of growth, they should show high fermentation rate compared to cell growth, they should show efficient production of ethanol, they should be able to withstand differences in alcohol concentrations and osmotic pressure, they should give reproducible amount of flavor and aroma, they should have ideal flocculation character and they should be easy to handle to be able for use in future.
In contrast to this the strains that are used for academic research have to be genetically very well characterized – their genotypes should be known. The knowledge is further used for genetic modification when required. The deletion of certain genes can cause a metabolite to accumulate and cause colour formation – which could further be used to distinguish two different strains. In addition, the laboratory yeast strains are often worked with haploid mating types. What is haploid and what is diploid ? Haploid yeast have half the chromosome numbers as diploids. Haploids come in two flavours – a type and alpha type. The a and alpha type can mate with one another but not in themselves. The diploid are not bad either in surviving – when there is a shortage of nutrients the diploids can undergo sporulation to form spores. Upon arrival of favourable conditions the spores germinate to form haploid yeasts. One of the big advantages of yeasts in research is that the complete genome is available, so it possible to mutate a gene and look for its function or tag a gene with reporter and look at the localization of the protein. Further, these process have become easy to do because of our understanding of the homologous recombination in yeasts.

How to obtain body temperature

There are three methods on how to obtain the body temperature. Anyone can perform this relatively easy procedure. There are three methods used to obtain the body temperature, the axillary, the oral and the rectal methods. You can use any of these depending upon the type of patient. For infants and younger children, the rectal method is preferred. For adults, the oral or axillary methods are preferred.
The axillary method
Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE), especially your gloves. Clean the thermometer with a cleaning or sterilizing agent. Shake the thermometer to lower the mercury reading below 36 degrees centigrade. Put the mercury bulb at the center of the patient’s armpit. Let it stay for 5 minutes. Read the temperature by twirling the thermometer until you can observe the portion where of the mercury is. Normal axillary temperature ranges from 36 to 37.5 degrees centigrade. Wash or wipe the thermometer and soak it in the cleaning solution.
The oral method
Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE), especially your gloves. Clean the thermometer with a cleaning agent. Be sure the cleaning agent is not something that is harmful. Shake the thermometer until the reading is at 36 or below. Place the thermometer at under the tongue and position the stem at one side of the mouth. Let it stay there for 1 to 2 minutes. Read the temperature just as mentioned in the axillary method. The normal oral temperatures are 36 to 37.5 degrees centigrade. Wash or wipe the thermometer and soak it in the cleaning solution.
Rectal method
Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE), especially your gloves. Clean the thermometer with a cleaning agent. Shake the thermometer until the reading is at 36 or below. Gently insert the thermometer into the anus and let it stay there for 1 minute. Do not release the stem of the thermometer. Hold on to it because it might be sucked into the rectum. Wipe briskly with a wet sanitized tissue, cotton or gauze. Read the temperature just as mentioned in the axillary method. The normal oral temperatures are 36 to 37.5 degrees centigrade. Wash or wipe the thermometer and soak it in the cleaning solution.
Whatever method you choose to use, be aware that you can contract a disease by not taking precautions. Be safe by observing all necessary precautions.

Beware of Worms In Infants & Children

Worms is still a public health problem in tropical countries, including Indonesia. These are health problems caused by parasitic worms in the body.
At first glance there is nothing wrong with Mira, third grade student elementary school in South Jakarta. But somehow, in the Mira class always seemed excited, weakness, and drowsiness. As a result, he was unable to follow the lesson well. After review, it turns out positive Mira worms. The World Bank states that the worms reduce the quality of human resources, especially in developing countries. Based on the results of a survey of diarrhea Ministry of Health of Indonesia in 2002 and 2003, as many as 40 schools in 10 provinces showed that the prevalence of disease which ranges from 2.2 to 96.3 worms per cent.
Meanwhile, a study conducted two years in the New Times Village Elementary Kalibaru, North Jakarta, showed the prevalence of the disease is still at 60 percent. However, the percentage move down in 2010, when a team of researchers conducted a survey last year in elementary Paseban, where only 19 positive children who suffer from intestinal worms.
As for the Pesantren Sunan Tread on Condet numbers, from 360 students, only 9 people who suffer from intestinal worms. “If the research shows many children exposed to worms, then we impose a mass treatment system. But if the result is only a few are suffering from this disease, the treatment given only to the positive, “said Prof. Dr. Saleha Sungkar DAP & E MS from the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of medicine, in” Education Program Hazard Worms in School & Day Alert Worms National 2011 “a few weeks ago in Jakarta.
Worms that often infect humans are roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), whip worm (Trichuris trichiura) and hookworm (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale).
Saleha explained, the worms cause a child to malnutrition, anemia, and decreased intelligence.
“This happens because the worms cause diarrhea, absorb nutrients, vitamins, and blood and cause bleeding in the gut,” says Saleha. As a result, continued Saleha, children experiencing barriers to physical development, intelligence, productivity declines, and decline in endurance so susceptible to other diseases.
A number of worms that cover the intestinal mucosa would even inhibit the absorption of nutrients and vitamins A to facilitate the occurrence of night blindness and blindness in children.
Roundworms can even migrate to other organs, causing intestinal blockage which can lead to death.
The disease is commonly found in areas with poor environmental sanitation conditions and poor personal hygiene, especially attacked the group of children. This is because the worm eggs can develop in soil and small children usually like to play with the soil.
Worm eggs can also infect people, for example when people defecate in the water channel and the pages around the house and eating without washing hands. Moreover, in the slums, many people defecate in the river or in the garden. If feces containing eggs of the worm, river and gardens will be polluted.
“Especially when the river water used for watering gardens planted with vegetables. Worm eggs will stick to the vegetables and be ingested when vegetables are not cooked properly, “the head of Jakarta’s Control of Health Problems Dr Ida Bagus Nyoman Banjar.
Furthermore Banjar said, the symptoms of worms seems to be difficult to detect if the number of worms that nest in the body is still small. Usually the symptoms will arise even if it is a lot of worm larvae that nest in the body.
Each worm eggs also have different ways to enter the body. For example, roundworms are nesting in the body with a number 100-200000 infective egg per day, usually entering through food. Similar to whip worm eggs that have 3000-5000 in the body. The hookworm eggs develop in the body other than through food as well as through the skin.
Worm control efforts as a way to overcome this problem also needs to be encouraged, through public knowledge about worms, modes of transmission, symptoms, and treatment. In addition, environmental sanitation and mass treatment also plays an important role to break the worm’s life cycle.
Not only the government, the private sector too is natural to find the best way on the issue. As performed by Combantrin by organizing educational activities and disseminating the importance of preventive measures and treatment required.

Room Cleanliness Affect Quality of Life

Do you want to sleep soundly? Sleeping in a clean and comfortable rooms can be one answer. Research shows, the cleanliness of the bed affects the quality of one’s sleep.
It was stepped on in the morning, but you still struggle with bolster pillows and busy skewed to the right and left. In fact, the body is very tired after a day of activities and demands for immediate rest. Before reaching a sleeping pill, want to taste you clean the beds, wash sheets, and even change the mattress is used.
If this is what you feel, then it is not a feeling you just saying that sleeping an enjoyable experience can be obtained through the bed clean and comfortable. In fact, the results of a survey conducted the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) said, people will get the experience that much better sleep when their sleeping space is in a comfortable and clean.
The study involved people who snore and those who suffer from insomnia. The respondents said the condition of the room where they sleep also affects their ability to get restful sleep.
“We have seen how drugs and medical supplies someone habits affect their sleep patterns. However, we do not really see that the environment where we sleep it also has considerable influence in sleep patterns, “beber NSF Chief David Cloud to
David and other research team was surprised to learn that the senses such as touch, smell, and taste also has a stake in creating a sound sleep at night. David conducted research by taking 1500 random adult respondent in the United States with age range 25-55 years.
Less than half of respondents, or about 42 percent are identified as people who do not have problems sleeping or always get a restful night sleep.
Meanwhile, on the other respondent, David finds 7 out of 10 people is almost always clean up and sleep in his bed in a clean state. Respondents of this kind are in the percentage of 19 percent and they sleep most of the report received a satisfactory experience.
As for 9 out of 10 people claimed to have a soft mattress and bolster pillows comfortable. Both are the best key in getting a comfortable sleep.
Few among those who said the sheets are clean and comfortable also affect their sleeping habits.
Between two thirds and three quarters of respondents said that cold room with clean air and cool, lighting outages, quiet and clean room, becomes important to get a good night’s sleep. Meanwhile, 6 out of 10 respondents said they change the sheets every week or more often than that. And, 3 of 4 people claim to get the sensation of sleeping soundly when they smelled fresh linens.
“Respondents reported having the opportunity to sleep longer and refreshed when I wake in the morning when a bed, sheets, and their rooms clean and comfortable,” said David. Results of a survey conducted his research team are David and was responded positively by Shelby Harris PsyD psychologists.
Shelby who was the Director of Nursing Program at the Sleep Habits Sleep Disorders Center at Montefiore in New York City was admitted was not surprised by these findings.
He had previously also been found that the bedrooms are comfortable and clean bed, also affect one’s ability to rest.
In fact, this fact is still underestimated by many people. They even tend to rely more mainstream medicine to make them go to sleep to consciousness.
“If the pillow bolsters and linens that are clean and comfortable not to make someone sound asleep also, perhaps by changing the condition of the bedroom, it can make people sleep more easily disturbed sleep,” said Shelby.
Shelby even recommend using a mattress only for two things, namely sleep and sex. “Not a few people who watch television in bed, reading, or even working in the mattress. These people then wonder why their minds are still on the job when they’ve wanted to sleep.
So, I suggest to make a bed solely for sleeping, “said Shelby. Shelby also explained, many people think that sleep is something that can run the activities according to desire, like turn off or turn on the light bulb. In fact, although the body was very tired, it does not mean the body can be invited to go to sleep.
“I recommend one hour before bedtime, you have to relax the body and mind and get ready for a break. In this way, your mind and your body will respond better call-to sleep, “said Shelby. How, worth a try right?

Turmeric and garlic cure diabetes and hyperlipidemia

Research made is to combine the saffron and garlic extract to cure diseases and even diabetes hyperlipidemia.
After going through 4 phases of testing the truth of a theory, in this case the benefits of turmeric and onions, then concluded that patients who used turmeric and onions can be cured after taking second this herb.
Substances found in turmeric is curcumin plus curcumioid component. While on active substances contained garlic aliin, alisin, lapoisition. All efficacious as an antioxidant. But for greater efficacy, to be extracted.
Thus the use of turmeric extract that is combined with garlic extract, and is the first in the world in a combination of these herbs to cure diabetes and hyperlipidemia.

Vegetable restrictions for gout sufferers

Uric acid is a byproduct of purine metabolism. In addition to meat and certain fish that are high in their purin, some vegetables also need to watch out for the high purine content.
According to the food table Acumedico:
1. Spinach
Spinach is indeed contain iron, vitamin c, luteins, beta carotene and flavonoids. But for patients with uric acid and gout, high purine content can add to the suffering of people who have uric acid and gout. (according to the table consisting of 57 g spinach purine from each 100 g)
2. Asparagus
high purine content. Each 100 g, there are 23 g of purine content.
3. cauliflower
containing purines, in each 100 g contained purines by 51 g.
4. Mushrooms
purine content in each 100 g amounts to 9-17 grams.

Honey may reduce the effects of alcohol hangover

Beverage alcohol is not good for the body because a compound in it is toxic to the body. Scientists from The Royal Society of chemistry, Dr. Emsley get in his research that if honey is taken to reduce the effects of alcohol hangover. Honey can break down alcohol and toxic compounds may help restore one’s consciousness due to drinking alcohol.
Fructose compounds are elements that play a role in the break down chemical compounds from the alcohol that enters the body. Acetaldehyde is a toxin produced by the alcohol that enters the body and break it into separate these compounds, dangerous for our bodies. These toxins cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting ‘
According to Drs. John Emsley, by eating toxic honey then acetaldehyde is converted by fructose into acetic acid which is then burned during metabolic processes in the body and is broken down into carbon dioxide which will be issued by the body.
Drinking alcohol can lead to the frequent urination and can cause severe dehydration for patients.


Benefits of soy milk:
1. Substitute milk of healthy cows
soy milk contains 42 times the amount of manganese as well as cow’s milk. Manganese is necessary for the formation of bones. People with anemia, in dire need of this soy milk
2. Lowering bad cholesterol
Soy milk contains 10 times more fatty acid content than cow milk. This milk can reduce bad LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Dangers of drinking soy milk
1. Reduced male fertility
Soy milk contains isoflavones phytoestrogens, which affect hormone balance in men and women. Research Jorge Chavarro MD, SC get that soy can reduce sperm concentration. In men make enlargement of the breast, inhibiting the growth of beard hair, remove hair on the hands and feet, reducing erection.
2. side effects of genetically modified soybeans
In the As, it was found that 93% of genetically modified soybeans cause constipation, indigestion, heart problems, thyroid dysfunction, affecting reproductive health.

8 Food Diet Helps Without Hunger

FORGET celery sticks and crackers. Because to lose weight and keep it, you still need food.
Fortunately, the following eight delicious meals designed to burn fat, flatten stomach, and just take your appetite a little, as reported from RealAge.
This creamy beverage loaded with calcium, and studies show that calcium can resist weight loss by blocking fat absorption in your small intestine.
Forget the pancakes and start your day with scrambled eggs or boiled eggs. Apparently, eliminate carbohydrates in the diet will only make you more hungry. That means, you will get more snacking later in life.
Nuts are high in fat, but nuts are good kinds of fat that your body loves. Nuts are rich in protein and fiber which makes it the perfect snack or appetizer. But enough to keep it a little, not a bag.
Carbhohidrat in it can help keep your stomach feel full.
Unsaturated fat in avocados raise levels of leptin, a hormone the body that stop feeling hungry that tells the brain that your stomach is full.
Replace meat with mushrooms to your favorite recipe. You will automatically be cut approximately 400 calories and clogged arteries by saturated fat.
Olive oil
You will be pleased to know that olive oil contains a secret weapon called oleic acid, a healthy fat that makes you feel full and prevent you from overeating.
Spicy seasoning
Spicy seasonings are the main evidence that eating healthy does not have to bland. Cayenne, jalapeno, serrano, and red peppers, all contain capsaicin, a compound to bring the spicy all at once relieve the sensation of your appetite.


The act of sin is the transgression will include the Law of God. Every sin is recognized, it will be forgiven by God what hope do we repent.
In the Bible there is the sense of sin that can not be forgiven, and it became two major parts.
1. someone who already knows the doctrine and law of God, then in his life precisely contrary to what is known (to do evil / sin). Even advice of the Holy Spirit is not ignored anymore, and consider the sins committed are common. So at one time committed the sin is not considered sinful anymore. This is what is meant by sin that can not be forgiven/unpardonable sin.
2. a blatant blasphemy in public, even to leave the God / apostate and not feel the sin again. This is also called a sin that can not be forgiven/unpardonable sin.
Be careful in what we do sin, do not let it’s too late and can not be tolerated anymore by God to be forgiven. Repent now.


The term Trinity / Trinity is the term usually Christians, who consider that God is three persons but one trait and the character and purpose. What about the term Trinity in the temple in Mecca?
Some Indonesian scholars who could look or call to see directly the temple contents of the opinion that there is Trinity / Trinity in it. People interviewed and has a title Habib or have lineage to the Prophet Muhammad, given the right and opportunity to see first hand the contents of the temple. And inside the temple before there are three pillars that support the temple before, form a triangle. That means this is a three-pole one, and if only one part is taken or removed from any angle, it will fell down temple. This is what is meant by the Trinity / Trinity in the temple.
It turned out that each religion has a term of synonyms and acronyms


time tunnel we usually listen to or watch a movie or fairy tale in other sciences. But now, actual knowledge and according to scriptural religions in the world, has indicated the existence of tunnel time.
Basically meaning the hall is a place or container that can connect two or more time or era. In the few fictional films typically use tool that can fly at high speed. Another through a secret place in the world, which became the gateway to the time / another time.
In the example for the Christian Bible, the passage of time can be seen from the stories and the writing of the history of the Bible itself, among others:
1. prophecy revealed by the prophets about a thing / events that will happen in the future, is to show that our world is going on and living history. That is what is seen of the prophets through the vision of the future in fact everything is happening. Only those who live in the past who see the future as one that has not happened.
2. The existence of the resurrection of certain people, is proof that people personally who have died and then raised it back into its past to life (which returned time personal time ago when still alive)
A Japanese experience
A Japanese soldier while carrying a small aircraft in the second world war in 1945 over their own country. When one day he saw a collection of thick clouds in front of her, she broke through and a few seconds later he felt a strangeness. He saw that the atmosphere is different, many high-rise buildings and no war and marks. Then he was looking for a landing and short stories, he was surprised that the place where he stayed, has become a major road. Then family and friends are old and some are already dead. Age when the war was 45 years old. But she’s been in the 1990s. This means that in a few seconds only, he had entered the coming year or 45 years difference, but still remain with the physical condition in 1945.
This is proof that there is a passage of time in this world.

The fact of nature which states the existence of the Trinity.

Trinity until this becomes a debate not only among the world says of not Christians, but also among Christians themselves. Trinity term was not found in the Bible, but the concept or the view is indeed contained in the Bible itself.
Very difficult to explain the existence of the Three Person Godhead, but it turns out in this world or in the wild has been stated that it is true that the Trinity exists and correct.
This is the evidence / facts in nature and the world of Sciences of the Trinity which states that:
1. Day
Today is proof of the existence of the Trinity. Day consists of three parts but can not be separated, the day before, the day now and days to come. Three but one, that’s Day.
2. Object
There are three things in this world form, ie solid, liquid and gas.
3. Space
a space consisting of the length, width and height.
4. One Day
A matter of days is the hours, minutes and seconds.
5. Human
Human beings can live because there are elements of the body / physical, spirit and soul.
6. Government
The scope of governance that is normally found in the seal position, the power, Names.
7. Celestial bodies as a torch
Luminaries in the sky is the sun, moon and stars.
8. Day
There are 3 in one day ie morning, noon and night.
9. Universe
There are three elements in nature that is the earth / ground, sky / air and water.
10. Human
Three things that experienced by humans are born, live and die.


Jesus in the Koran is very different from the Jesus of the Gospels.
First of all, the Jesus of the Koran was not the son of God. The Koran says that God breathed into Mary, through the agency of Gabriel, and Jesus was conceived (21.90). Every Muslim believes firmly in Isa’s (Jesus’s) virgin birth. They believe that Jesus’s birth is miraculous. But they are taught that this does not constitute a father-son relationship. In Psalm 2.7 suggests that God says to His Messiah (Jesus) “I shall proclaim the decree, thou hast said unto me: Thou are my son, this day have I begotten thee.” Well, Christians interpret this to mean that Jesus is God’s begotten son. Muslim’s suggest that such a thing would be blashphemous, suggesting intercourse with a human, Mary.
Muslims also believe that Jesus was a mortal human and not God (4.171). This means that he was not divine, but it also means that Jesus was not pre-existent with God. The Gospel of John begins with these words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John goes on to say that “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt with us.” To the Christian, this means that Jesus was pre-existent with God, but also that Jesus was God.
The Koran teaches that there is no trinity, and that Jesus is not God (4.171). There may be some denominations that do not accept the trinity, but Christianity is based on the divinity of Jesus.
The Koran tells many tales of Jesus that are not mentioned in the Gospels, but, conveniently enough, are mentioned in some of the gnostic gospels, which were written AFTER the Koran. One such tale is that the young Jesus made a bird out of clay and brought it to life.
The Koran teaches that Jesus did not die on the cross (4.157). Now, this is a keystone of all four Gospels and all the epistles, and those Old Testament prophesies which Christians relate to Jesus, especially from Isaiah. The Koran suggests that another was crucified in his place and made to appear like Jesus.
The Koran teaches that in many ways, Jesus is superior to Muhammad, but that Muhammad was the final prophet, and his message succeeds that of Jesus’ message. Jesus was born miraculously. Muhammad was not. Jesus was proclaimed as a prophet by events and others independent of him (for instance, John the Baptist and Zechariah). Muhammad had followers who believed him, as any successful teacher would, but no one proclaimed his advent, no event signaled his arrival, no one noted anything special about him until he received his first message in a cave. Jesus was strengthened by the Holy Spirit (2.253). Muhammad was not so strengthened. In fact, no one in the Koran ever receives such a blessing. Jesus was sinless and holy (2.19), whereas Muhammad required forgiveness for his sins in the past AND IN THE FUTURE (48.2). Jesus performed many miracles, including raising the dead to life. Muhammad performed no miracles during his life, except, by some traditions, he was allowed to fly through the air to Jerusalem. The Koran tells us that Jesus died and was raised to life (19.3). Muhammad died and was buried and was not raised.The Koran also teaches that Jesus was raised into heaven alive and resides with God there, again ALIVE (4.158). Again, Muhammad is dead and buried, and even he was unsure of his place after the judgment. The Koran teaches that Jesus is alive with God in paradise right now (3.55), but also that he is alive with his followers on earth, right now (4.158-159).
the Jesus of the Koran was remarkable and miraculous, special beyond anyone before or since. But he is not the Jesus of the Gospels.


Why should the laws of the state govern your relationship? While many people view a pre-nup as giving up rights, a pre-marital agreement may in fact give you more power in a relationship.
The laws vary from state to state. Some are community property and others are separate. Some are more favorable to mothers, others to fathers. If you don’t know the laws of your state or may move in the future, consider the fact that the division of assets that may be determined by a court may be unfair- to you or your spouse.
When entering a relationship, discussing your financial future is important. A pre-marital agreement may allow each spouse to put into writing the promises they are making to each other. It may simply state that everything will be split 50/50 or it may state terms if one spouse stays home with the children or is unable to continue working for some reason. Whatever your terms, determining them and putting them into writing can be very healthy in a relationship.


5 infection OF pregnancy 

Scar or wound in tears to the perineum incision surgery have to be really guarded. His name alone wound, it can become a gateway for entry of germs into your body. His name alone wound, it cans changed from a gateway for entry of germs into your body. There are 5 kinds of infections lurking new mothers.

There are 5 Kinds of infections lurking new mothers
1. Endometritis. Infection of the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is widely experienced by women who undergo a long process of childbirth, or the distance between the amniotic sac rupture time and spending a long baby. 1. Endometritis. Infection of the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is widely Experienced by Women WHO undergo a long process of Childbirth, or the distance Between the amniotic sac rupture and spending a long time baby. If you live births Caesar, the risk is 5-15% and you who give birth naturally, the risk is 1-3%. If you live births Caesar, the risk is 5-15% and WHO you give birth naturally, the risk is 1-3%.
* Cause: the types of bacteria in the mucus layer, especially the B Streptococcus and Escherichia coli. Cause: The types of bacteria in the mucus layer, especially the B Streptococcus and Escherichia coli.
* Symptoms: fever above 38 degrees C accompanied by chills, or bleeding from the vagina in 24-36 hours after birth, pain in lower abdomen, colored lokia cloudy, cloudy, and smells bad, heart rate increases, and when the bottom stomach feel hard pressed. Symptoms: fever above 38 degrees C accompanied by chills, or bleeding from the vagina in 24-36 hours after birth, pain in lower abdomen, Colored lokia Cloudy, Cloudy, and smells bad, heart rate increases, and the lower abdomen Pls feel hard pressed.
* Treatment: an injection of antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, penicillin, and karbapenem. Treatment: an injection of antibiotics, Such as cephalosporins, penicillin, and karbapenem. Gift can be a single or combined as needed. Gift cans be a single or combined as needed. Generally within 2-3 days after treatment, the infection heal itself. Generally Within 2-3 days after treatment, the infection heal Itself.
* Prevention: an injection of antibiotics, especially in labor Caesar. Prevention: an injection of antibiotics, especially in labor Caesar. Injections sometimes need to be repeated 8 hours after delivery. Sometimes injections need to be repeated 8 hours after delivery. Always keep cleaning the birth canal and vagina after birth. Always keep cleaning the birth canal and vagina after birth. At birth Caesar, prevention is done by giving prophylactic antibiotics. At birth Caesar, prevention is done by giving prophylactic antibiotics.

2. mastitis. Infection of the breast is Experienced by 5% of new mothers Who Are studying nursing. More apt to occur if the nipple is ‘broken’ due to swelling or full milk, so there is room for incoming infection germs. More apt to occur if the nipple is ‘broken’ due to swelling or full milk, so there is room for incoming infection germs. Blockage of milk ducts 1-2 days after childbirth, also invites infection. Blockage of milk ducts 1-2 days after Childbirth, Also Invites infection.
* Cause: The most common bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Cause: The most common is Staphylococcus aureus.
* Symptoms: pain and swelling in the breast area, nipple hardened, the area around the areola and nipple redness, dizziness, fever, muscle around your upper body pain or feel tired easily. Symptoms: pain and swelling in the breast area, nipple hardened, the area around the areola and nipple redness, dizziness, fever, muscle pain around your upper body or feel Tired Easily.
* Treatment: antibiotic type and metasilin antistafilokokus. Treatment: antibiotic type and metasilin antistafilokokus. If swelling is severe enough, do a small cutting to remove the abscess, and the breast should be emptied of milk. If swelling is severe Enough, do a small cutting to remove the abscess, and the breast Should Be emptied of milk. Consumption of liquid and apply a healthy nutritious diet. Consumption of liquid and apply a healthy nutritious diet.
* Prevention: empty the milk in both breasts regularly, either by hand or pump breast milk, even though your baby has not been able to suck a lot of milk. Prevention: empty the milk in both breasts regularly, Either by hand or pump breast milk, even though your baby has not been Able to suck a lot of milk.

  3. episiotomy. Injuries perineal tear is vulnerable to infection, but his case is Relatively small, only 1-4%. Its severity varies widely depending on region and depth of infected tissues. Its severity varies widely depending on region and depth of infected tissues. Starting from the vagina, vulva (outer and inner lips), it can even spread to the uterus. Starting from the vagina, vulva (outer and inner lips), it cans even spread to the uterus. In general, occur 1-2 days after delivery. In general, occur 1-2 days after delivery.
* Cause: The bacterium Escherichia coli from the anus. Cause: Escherichia coli bacteria from the anus.
* Symptoms: painful sutures wounds, touched was hot, itchy and therefore interfering with the process of urination, swelling around the stitches episiotomy. Symptoms: painful sutures wounds, Touched was hot, itchy and therefore interfering with the process of urination, swelling around the stitches episiotomy.
* Treatment: usually sewing will be released for the pus out so that the wound to dry quickly. Treatment: usually sewing will from be released for the pussy out so That the wound to dry Quickly. Dressings changed regularly, vaginal hygiene improved, and given antibiotics. Dressings changed regularly, vaginal hygiene improved, and given antibiotics.
* Prevention: keep cleaning the area around the vagina and episiotomy scars, especially after urination and defecation. Prevention: keep cleaning the area around the vagina and episiotomy scars, especially after urination and defecation.

4. Urinary Tract Infection. Experienced by the WHO risk mothers give birth normally. The risk is about 5%. The risk is about 5%. One factor is too old triggers that trigger the use of catheter injury and swelling of the urinary tract, as well as urine flow is blocked. One factor is too old triggers That triggers the use of catheter injury and swelling of the urinary tract, as well as urine flow is blocked. Risk of infection is threatening ranging from 1 day to 1 week after birth. Risk of infection is threatening ranging from 1 day to 1 week after birth.
* Cause: often the types of bacteria commonly found in the digestive tract, such as Enterococcus and Escherichia coli. Cause: Often the types of bacteria commonly found in the digestive tract, Such as Enterococcus and Escherichia coli.
* Symptoms: appear violent heats in the vaginal area, accompanied by severe itching which made it difficult to urinate. Symptoms: Appear violent heats in the vaginal area, accompanied by severe itching the which made it Difficult to urinate. Often feel the urge to urinate, but only slightly, and colored urine turbid contain blood spots. Often feel the urge to urinate, but only Slightly, colored and turbid urine contain blood spots.
* Treatment: in addition to antibiotics, is now proven to consume cranberries, in the form of juice, candied fruit, etc., able to treat urinary tract infections. Treatment: In Addition to antibiotics, is now proven to consume cranberries, in the form of juice, Candied fruit, etc., Can treat urinary tract infections.
* Prevention: in addition to maintain the cleanliness of the vagina and surrounding area, the consumption of fresh cranberries and various processed products proven to prevent attacks of this infection, as well as balanced drink lots of water. Prevention: as well as maintain the cleanliness of the vagina and Surrounding area, the consumption of fresh cranberries and Various processed products proven to Prevent attacks of this infection, as well as balanced drink lots of water.

5. Wound Infection Caesar. Maternity leave Caesar incision wound as many as seven layers of stomach tissue, ranging from skin surface to the uterine wall. However, if the injury kept clean, the risk of infection is only 1%. However, if the injury kept clean, the risk of infection is only 1%. Infection usually occurs on day-3 until the 7th after childbirth. Infection usually occurs on day-3 Until the 7th after Childbirth.
* Cause: The operation of equipment that are less sterile, maternal body reaction against the basic ingredients of sewing thread, stitching a network that is too large, and clean the wound less awake. Cause: The operation of equipment That are less sterile, maternal body reaction against the basic ingredients of sewing thread, stitching a network That is too large, and clean the wound less Awake.
* Symptoms: The skin around the wound suture reddish, inflamed, swollen, painful, hot, and itchy. Symptoms: The skin around the wound sutures reddish, inflamed, swollen, painful, hot, and itchy. When pressed painful wound, out yellowish-white fluid or blood on the sidelines of stitches. When pressed painful wound, out Yellowish-white fluid or blood on the sidelines of stitches.
* Treatment: reopened wounds to prevent infection of anaerobic bacteria, living without oxygen, which is malignant. Treatment: reopened wounds to Prevent infection of anaerobic bacteria, living without oxygen, the which is malignant. Then given antibiotics, cleaned the wound, providing an antiseptic treatment, rest, and do not perform activities that involve bending motion. Then given antibiotics, cleaned the wound, Providing an antiseptic treatment, rest, and do not perform activities That Involve bending motion.
* Prevention: keep the stitches stay dry wound, give antibiotics, bandages changed regularly, applying a paste bandage antiseptic solution before the new, keeping the wound was not up to scratch or depressed. Prevention: keep the stitches stay dry wound, give antibiotics, bandages changed regularly, applying a paste bandage antiseptic solution before the new, keeping the wound was not up to scratch or depressed.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why do men hate women?

Have you ever known a man that made you shame? When it comes to women, men are clueless. Women have the tendency to drive men nuts at times. Whether they mean to or not, it happens. I have come up with a list of things that women do that drive men crazy. Do you want to know what to avoid doing to make your man happy? Listen up and take care these.
First of all, men hate it when you don't stick to agreements. Women tend to make agreements to get their way at the time and then change their minds later or break the agreement. Many women don't think it bothers men when you break that agreement to go with them to the tool store but it does. It's just like that old saying, "don't do on to others that you wouldn't want done to you". You'd probably be mad if your man broke an agreement with you, so think about him before switching it up next time.
Next, men hate it when women keep their feelings in. Although women are more honest about their feelings, they don't usually spill what's on their minds until they are asked "what's wrong" repeatedly. Women tend to hold in their feelings and want that attention from their men to go and see what's wrong before coming out with it. Try to be more out there with your feelings with your man. He'll understand and love you more for it.

Men absolutely hate it when you try to change them. Most women understand their man but don't agree with the things they do or the way they are. They try to change their men to suit their own needs instead of their man's. Although it's okay to talk with your man about how you don't like something in the relations

Remember this,  never compare your man to your ex. Generally without really meaning to, you will compare your man to your ex in terms of negative aspects. You (even all of us) should never compare your man to anyone, especially your ex. First of all, men don't like even talking about any man that was with you in the first place. Try to avoid speaking about any ex's at all in your conversations.
Don't belittle his hobbies. Your man may have a hobby that you find to be boring or childish. Remember, you have to take the good with the bad. Let him have his hobbies. If he enjoys doing it, who cares? Don't demand them to take an interest in your hobby. Everyone likes to do different things. You go do your and let him do his.
Don't gossip about your man. Gossip is always bad. You may think that when you're out with the girls and you're talking badly about your man, he'll never find out. Well, this may be the case but you should have more respect for him then that to maintain a healthy relationship. You wouldn't want him talking behind your back with his friends, don't do it to him.
Nagging is a big one for guys. Men hate it when their women is constantly nagging them to get things done. Whether your intentions are good or bad, give your man a break. With some passion and understanding, you'll get future then you think.
Don’t  interrupt your man. You may think that what you have to say is more important, but give him his chance to speak. Try to keep an open mind, understand what he is saying, don't act impatient and respond to him. Interrupting when he is speaking will only cause more tension and make him think that you don't care what he has to say.
Keep it right to the point when it comes to your man. Most men don't like to talk about things for hours and hours like women do. They like to get right down to the bottom of something and then it's over. Don't get mad at your man if he doesn't want to talk about a particular situation. Just be glad that he cares enough to talk about it in the first place.
ip, it's not okay to tell th Don't be beauty conscious with your man. Most men don't understand how a women spends hours in front of a mirror and come out looking like they always do. Most men will love you on your good days, your bad days and days that you don't have your hair done and make up on your face. Don't get paranoid around him because of the way that you look. If your man didn't like the way you looked, he wouldn't be with you. Be yourself around him.
And the last and I think, the biggest thing that a man hates about a women is her insecure and jealous ways. If you're out and you see your man eyeing a women across the street, don't make a big deal about it. He's a man and all men do this. Leave your comments to yourself. You can't tell me that when you see a nice looking young man walking down the street, you don't keep your eye on him. Most men won't say anything or even notice when you do it. Give your man a break.


RELATIONSHIP IS A WORD THAT CAN MAKE THE WORLD CHANGE. When you are in a relationship, there are things women do that drive men absolutely insane. Women are sometimes petty and emotional. These traits are normal, but often times make the men in our lives a little uncomfortable. A       ll people (Men and women) think and see things differently. Something that may be a huge deal to you, may not be as significant to him. Here are a few things women do that drive men insane.

Taking Your Anger Out On Him
At one time or another, you have probably snapped at your partner for something that had nothing to do with him. Some women bottle their emotions inside until they are ready to burst. Snapping at him will not make anything better. If Learning to channel your anger or frustration into something positive is a much better option. All Men have no clue why you are acting moody or why you just snapped at them. This makes them crazy when you lash out on them, especially when it wasn't their fault.

This Or That
When you tell him he can either do this or that, he will become resentful. It is not your job to parent him or give him permission to do something. A strength confirmation or An ultimatum is not something men like in relationships. I am guilty as sin with this one. I often give my boyfriend choices and I can tell he is angry when I do it. Women often like to be in control, but making demands like this will only leave him bitter in the end. If you need to give him choices, do it in a more passive way.

You Become Overly Needy
This is a huge distraction and turn off for him. There is No one likes to have a needy partner. Let us try and Think about what you say and how you say it. If you are feeling neglected, let him know. Texting or calling him all day, fishing for compliments, trying to spend every waking moment with him, or anything else that even borderlines the "needy" trait, will only push him away. Self reflection would be a good course of action when feeling this way. Perhaps the problem lies with you, not the relationship.

You Become Self Absorbed
Just as men are turned off by the needy girl, they are also turned off by the self absorbed girl. It is great that you think highly of yourself, but not everything is about you. Learning to ask about his day and his feelings will help him feel important and loved as well. Talking about yourself is fine, if done in a none obsessive way. He is with you because he likes you, you don't have to prove yourself to him.

Learning what he does and doesn't like will take time. There will be things you do that he doesn't like and there will be things he does that you don't like. Part of being in a relationship includes trial and error. Keep these things in mind next time you are going to issue an ultimatum or want to call him a thousand times.


When a child was diagnosed with a stage six peanut allergy, we were floored. How could we send our young child to school, where peanut butter was served daily, without feeling like he would go into anaphylaxis at any given moment?  

keeping the EpiPen during school hours
Most schools keep our child's EpiPen in the nurse's office, but, in severe cases, the Epi-Pen may be allowed in the classroom. Some older children wear the EpiPen around their neck for added protection. 

Who keeps the EpiPen during school field trips?
I found out my child's school did not bother to pack my child's EpiPen during school field trips. After talking with the nurse, we decided it was best to give the nurse and teacher a call the day before the field trip and the morning of to remind them to pack his EpiPens. 

Are lunch tables cleaned before my child attends lunch?
Lunch rooms are fast-paced environments where children flock in and out on a constant basis. Before sitting down for lunch, we asked our child's teacher to clean the lunch table and only allow students eating peanut-free meals at the table. A small sign is displayed on the table reading "Peanut-Free Lunch Table."
Are communi Your child visits several rooms in the school throughout the week, including the art room, music room and library. If these teachers are not aware of your child's severe food allergy, they may allow peanuts or other allergens to be consumed in the room. Small signs can be posted on the door to these rooms naming the area as a peanut- or allergen-free zone.

Who is trained to administer an EpiPen?
First responders are available at my child's school every day, but who are these first responders and where are they located in proximity to your child's classroom, lunchroom and community rooms?

Who has access to the nurse's office when she is not at work?
If EpiPens are located in the nurse's office, other school officials and teachers must have immediate access to the room in case of an emergency. Anaphylactic reactions can kill in as little as two minutes, so access to EpiPens must not be limited when the nurse is off duty.

Are substitute teachers briefed on my child's condition?
Just because you have talked to your child's teacher several times a week does not mean the substitute is briefed on the severity of the reaction. Ask your child's teacher or school to contact you immediately if a substitute teacher will be covering class. You will likely have to make a trip into the school for a brief meeting, but that meeting could save your child's life.

What are the symptoms of anaphylaxis?
Do the school nurse, teachers and other personnel understand the "two system rule" of anaphylaxis? If two systems are affected by an allergen, an EpiPen should be used immediately. For instance, if your child has a rash and wheezing, allergists advise parents to use an EpiPen and take the child to the emergency room immediately. Some symptoms of anaphylaxis are severe enough to require an immediate injection of epinephrine, like trouble breathing or gasping for breath.

Who is responsible for retrieving the EpiPen if my child has a reaction in school?
An emergency action plan should be reviewed by all teachers and school staff. Running through the emergency plan with mock drills could save your child's life.

What do you do if OUR child's reaction to peanuts does not change after the first epinephrine shot?
Allergists suggest waiting 15 minutes after the first shot of epinephrine before administering another EpiPen. Most schools ask to keep one EpiPen at school, but one is not always enough. If emergency services does not respond within 15 minutes, the nurse or other school official needs to reevaluate the situation and decide if another shot of epinephrine is required.

Children with food allergies should have a happy, safe school experience. Just because food allergies prevent a child from eating certain foods should not prevent them from earning a quality education. Preparation, planning and a few question-and-answer sessions with the school nurse, principal, teachers and first responders may help save your child's life.