Other Word Types
Noun = a word that is used to identify anything that can be named. Nouns often refer to persons, places, things, states, or qualities. Proper nouns are always capitalized and refer to the name of a person, place or thing. Common nouns are all nouns other than proper nouns. The possessive case of nouns is formed by adding an apostrophe and an "s" to words which do not end in an s or a z sound.
Note: a noun can function as a modifier of another noun (i.e., it can function as an adjective).
Pronoun = a word of general reference that is used as a replacement or substitute for a noun or noun phrase. e.g., "he" is a pronoun for Bill or Joe, etc. Certain pronouns can also function as adjectives.
Interjection = a word that expresses strong emotion and which is able to function by itself, independent of other words in a sentence.
Conjunction = a word that serves as a connector between words, phrases or clauses in a sentence.
Preposition = a word that is used before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that functions as a modifier of verbs, nouns, or adjectives. A preposition typically expresses a time or space relationship between the noun or pronoun that appears with it and another word or phrase in the sentence.
Note: prepositions and conjunctions function in sentences as connectors. Prepositions express relationships between words or ideas, whereas conjunctions join words, groups of words and entire sentences. Many words can be classified as both prepositions and conjunctions.
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