Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Sample Usage

          Meaning / Effect

enjoyable; lovable; suitable

forms adjectives from verbs with sense of "capable or susceptible of being"

annual; historical
forms adjectives with sense "of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character"
refusal; denial; arrival
forms nouns of action from verbs

appearance; clearance

forms nouns from verbs with sense "characterized by or serving in the capacity of "

contestant; servant
forms nouns with a sense of being someone
lubricant; deodorant
forms nouns with a sense of being something
distant; dormant; pleasant
forms adjectives with a sense of doing or being something

burglar; scholar
forms various nouns including occupations
circular; singular
forms adjectives with sense "of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character"

populate(v); consulate(n); elaborate(adj)

forms verbs, nouns & adjectives with various meanings

once; twice; thrice

forms numeric terms indicating a multiplying effect

delicacy; piracy

forms abstract nouns from adjectives

counted; worked
forms past tense and past participle of verbs
winged; bearded
forms adjectives from nouns indicating attributes

forms adjectives from nouns indicating attributes
broken; rotten
forms adjectives from verbs indicating attributes
children; oxen
forms plurals for some nouns

abstinence; difference

a noun suffix equivalent to "-ance", corresponding to the suffix "-ent" in adjectives

different; absorbent
forms adjectives with a sense of doing or being something
deterrent; adherent
forms nouns with a sense of being something

older; faster

forms adverbs & adjectives of comparison

fishery; perfumery; shrubbery

forms abstract nouns from other nouns

stewardess; actress; waitress

forms feminine nouns

oldest; hottest; sexiest

forms superlatives

doubtful; peaceful; beautiful
forms adjectives with a sense of "characterized by"
cupful; spoonful
forms nouns with a sense of "fullness"

beautify; simplify

forms verbs with a sense of "to make, to become, cause to be"

neighborhood; brotherhood; falsehood
forms nouns of things with sense of "character, nature, condition, etc."
priesthood; womanhood
forms nouns of persons of a class or character
childhood; adulthood; boyhood
forms nouns indicating a time period in life

credible; horrible; contemptible

forms adjectives (equivalent to "-able" suffix)

poetic; scientific; artistic

forms adjectives with sense of "aptitude, characteristic of, in the style of "

electrical; historical

forms adj similar to "-ic" suffix, with sense of "having ability or characteristic of " or "in the style of "

docile; volatile

forms adjectives with sense of capability or characteristic

smiling; crying
forms present participle verbs that may be used as adjectives
building; sewing
forms nouns from verbs expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, etc.

contrition; suspicion; creation

forms nouns denoting condition, process, action, etc.

yellowish; childish, British

forms adjectives with sense of "somewhat, rather so, characteristic of"

consumerism; alcoholism

forms nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition

dentist; conformist; conservationist

forms nouns that denote a person that is concerned with something or holds certain principles

capability; diversity; disability

forms abstract nouns expressing ability, state or condition

active; corrective; restive

forms adjectives & nouns expressing tendency, disposition, function, condition, etc.

customize; fantasize

forms verbs with a sense to make, convert into, subject to; give a special character or form

booklet; droplet; eyelet

forms nouns with a sense of smallness or triviality

duckling; hatchling; underling

forms nouns with a sense of smallness or being diminutive

casually; carefully; gladly; hourly

forms adverbs with sense of "how done or when done"

agreement; judgment; ailment

forms nouns denoting an action, condition, product, result, etc.

kindness; correctness

forms abstract nouns denoting quality, state or condition

actor; creditor; juror
forms nouns denoting a person who does something or who has some particular function
error; pallor; squalor
forms nouns denoting action, state or condition, quality or property

dangerous; glorious

forms adjectives with a sense of having a certain quality

bravery; jewelry

forms abstract nouns from other nouns & adjectives

friendship; censorship

forms nouns denoting condition, character, office, skill, etc.

decision; invasion

forms nouns denoting condition, process, action, etc.

birth; death
forms nouns of action
length; depth; width
forms abstract nouns denoting quality or condition
fourth; sixth
forms ordinal numbers

alteration; location

forms abstract nouns

loyalty; purity
forms adjectives denoting quality, state, condition, etc
twenty; sixty
forms numerals denoting multiples of ten

departure; failure

forms abstract nouns denoting action, result, agent, instrument or apparatus

cloudy; dreamy; juicy

forms adjectives with sense of "characterized by, inclination, condition"

Forming Plurals with "s"

books  {book+s}

forms plural nouns
ashes  {ash+es}

forms plural nouns
armies  {arm(y)+ies}

forms plural nouns
calves  {cal(f)+ves}

forms plural nouns

Forming 3rd Person Singular Verbs with "s"

makes; creates

forms 3rd person singular verbs
touches; finishes

forms 3rd person singular verbs
defies; cries

forms 3rd person singular verbs

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