Sample Usage | Prefix | Meaning / Effect | |
asocial; atypical; amoral | a- | (1) | forms adjectives with sense of without; not; un- |
amass; ascend | a- | (2) | forms verbs denoting an increase; additional |
ashore; afar; away; aloud | a- | (3) | forms adverbs with sense of "on, in, into, to, toward" |
afresh; anew | a- | (4) | forms adverbs with a sense of redoing or renewal |
abnormal; aberration | ab- | denotes being away from; deviating | |
adjoin; admixture | ad- | forms nouns & verbs indicating direction, tendency or addition | |
anticlimax; antiseptic | anti- | forms nouns & adjectives with sense of "against; opposed to" | |
automobile; automatic | auto- | forms nouns & adjectives with sense of "self action" | |
bicentennial | bi- | (1) | forms nouns with sense of "every other one" |
biweekly; biannual | bi- | (2) | conveys sense of occurring twice in a certain time period |
bicycle; bicameral | bi- | (3) | denotes two |
biological; biodegradable | bio- | denotes life or living things | |
bystander; bypass | by- | conveys sense of being near, next to, by | |
copilot; coauthor | co- | conveys sense of "together; auxiliary" | |
counteract; counterbalance | counter- | conveys sense of "against; contrary; reciprocating" | |
dehumidify; decapitate | de- | (1) | denotes removal; separation |
degrade; defame | de- | (2) | denotes negation; descent |
deactivate; declassify | de- | (3) | denotes reversal |
disown; dismount | dis- | (1) | denotes apart; away |
disrobe; disinfect | dis- | (2) | denotes reversing |
dislike; disbelief | dis- | (3) | denotes negative |
enshrine; entomb; enslave | en- | (1) | forms verbs with the sense "cause to be" |
entwine; encircle | en- | (2) | forms verbs with the sense "to restrict" |
entrust; enliven | en- | (3) | forms transitive verbs |
expatriate; exfoliate | ex- | denotes former; previous; from | |
extraordinary; extracurricular | extra- | denotes beyond; outside of | |
forehead; forecast | fore- | denotes before; in front of | |
gigabyte; gigahertz | giga- | denotes a billion | |
illiterate; illegal | il- | denotes negative; not | |
immoral; impossible | im- | denotes negative; not | |
inexpensive; inorganic | in- | denotes negative; not | |
interbank; intermingle | inter- | (1) | denotes between; among |
interact; interlock | inter- | (2) | denotes mutually; reciprocally |
intramural | intra- | denotes within | |
introduction; introspection | intro- | denotes inwardly | |
irresponsible; irreverent | ir- | denotes negative; not | |
malcontent; malpractice | mal- | denotes bad; wrongful; not | |
megabyte; megawatt | mega- | (1) | denotes units of measure that are equal to one million of the units |
megapolis; megaphone | mega- | (2) | conveys a sense of being very many or much |
microscope; microfilm | micro- | conveys a sense of extreme smallness | |
miniskirt; minibus | mini- | conveys a sense of smallness | |
midway; midnight | mid- | conveys a sense of being intermediate; middle | |
misprint; misjudgment | mis- | denotes being wrong; mistaken; not | |
monotone; monorail | mono- | denotes being single; one | |
multicolor; multimedia | multi- | denotes being more than two; multiple | |
nanosecond | nano- | being extremely small; one billionth | |
neocolonial; neoclassic | neo- | conveys a sense of being new; recent | |
nobody; nowhere | no- | denotes being without; not | |
nonactive; nonstop | non- | denotes absence; not having or not doing | |
outside; outcast | out- | (1) | denotes exclusion; being not included |
outdo; outbid | out- | (2) | conveys a sense of surpassing; going beyond |
overhang; overlap | over- | (1) | denotes being above; on top of |
overcrowded; overweight | over- | (2) | conveys a sense of surpassing; too much |
paraphrase | para- | (1) | denotes being beside; side by side |
paranormal | para- | (2) | denotes being beyond what is normal |
paramedic; paralegal | para- | (3) | conveys a sense of being subsidiary; assisting |
polygon; polyglot | poly- | denotes being multiple; many | |
postgraduate; postscript | post- | conveys a sense of being after; later | |
preschool; prepayment | pre- | conveys a sense of being before; prior to | |
prodemocracy | pro- | (1) | conveys a sense of favoring; supporting |
prologue; proactive | pro- | (2) | conveys a sense of being prior; before |
redo; repay | re- | conveys a sense of repetition; doing again | |
retroactive; retrofit; retrograde | retro- | conveys a sense of being backward; going back | |
self-esteem; self-reliant | self- | without help; in and of itself (usually hyphenated) | |
semiannual; semicircle | semi- | (1) | denotes being half |
semiconductor; semiformal | semi- | (2) | conveys a sense of being partial; somewhat |
subconscious; subscript | sub- | (1) | conveys a sense of being under; below; beneath |
subcommittee; subordinate | sub- | (2) | conveys a sense of being secondary |
supersede; supernatural | super- | (1) | conveys a sense of being beyond; exceeding |
superscript; superimpose | super- | (2) | conveys a sense of being above; over |
telescope; television | tele- | conveys a sense of being far; distant | |
topcoat; topless | top- | (1) | conveys a sense of being covering; over |
topnotch | top- | (2) | conveys a sense of being best |
transcontinental; transfusion | trans- | (1) | denotes being across; through |
transform; transfigure | trans- | (2) | conveys a sense of changing |
triad; triangle | tri- | denotes being three; triple | |
ultrasound; ultraviolet | ultra- | conveys a sense of being extreme; exceeding | |
unfair; unseen | un- | (1) | conveys a sense of being negative; not |
undo; untie | un- | (2) | conveys a sense of being opposite; denotes reversal |
underdog; underpass | under- | conveys a sense of being below; lesser | |
uplift; upheaval | up- | denotes a lifting up; a raise; moving higher |
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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